Date: 2002-12-08
US : Total Information - Total Control.
Der neueste Ansatz des das amerikanischen Verteidigungsministeriums, einen Polizeistaat zu errichten, und was ein ehemaliger Waffenschmuggler damit zu tun hat.
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Admiral John Poindexter, größtenteils bekannt durch die Iran-Contra-Affäre, ist nun Chef des "Information Assurance Office" des amerikanischen Verteidigungsministeriums. Mit seinem aktuellen Projekt, "Total Information Awareness", hat sich nun die Electronic Frontier Foundation näher beschäftigt..
"Here's a taste of what it (TIA) plans to do:
...to look and listen for "interesting" information and patterns in our electronic communications (phone calls, e-mail, instant messaging, websites, etc.) using speech-to-text, language translation and text-mining technologies.
...to build a virtual "meta-base" of information that would include everything from your child's medical history to what groceries you buy. This would also be passively searched for patterns.
...(TIA) proposes aggressive research into biometric surveillance technology like facial, iris, expression, and gait recognition. This technology would allow your movements to be tracked without your consent or knowledge."
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edited by kingmob
published on: 2002-12-08
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